Friday, September 5, 2014

Quickly Show/Hide Hidden Files on Mac OS X Mavericks

To Show
1 > Open Terminal

2 >  defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
3 >
  Right-click on Finder while holding "Alt/option" key and select "Relaunch" the Finder.

To Hide
1 > Open terminal
2 > defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

Please repeat above step 3> to relaunch the Finder.

Thank you.

I have found this solution here :

Getting files by creation date in .NET

using System.Linq;

DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo("");
FileInfo[] files = info.GetFiles().OrderBy(p => p.CreationTime).ToArray();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
    // DO Something...
full credit to original post:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Default Maximized Window State for JFrame using NetBeans IDE

1. Go to JFrame - Properties
2. Set extendedState to MAXIMIZED_BOTH

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Connect Remote MSSQL Server with PHP

Connect MSSQL Server with PHP

$server = '';
// Connect to MSSQL
$link = mssql_connect($server, 'user', 'password');
if (!$link) {
    die('Something went wrong while connecting to MSSQL');
    echo mssql_get_last_message();

You can use localhost instead of ip or url if you are connecting on the same machine. :) Thanks :)